This website houses assessment information for Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska.
Undergraduate Assessment Process Charts – This page includes assessment process charts for departmental, general education, alternative delivery and co-curricular student outcomes.
Undergraduate Summary of Executive Summaries – This page contains the annual summaries of Executive Summaries. These reports are completed by the Assessment Committee Chair.
Undergraduate Department Pages – Each Undergraduate Department has a page designated in the top menu bar. Data is collected and analyzed for a student outcome that is selected by each department and for a student outcome that is selected by the General Education Committee. Assessment materials for courses taught in alternative formats are included on the Alternative Delivery page. Co-curricular organizations are treated as departments for assessment purposes.
Departmental Course Matrix: On each page a matrix of the department’s courses can be found. The assessment matrix allows for each department to mark an X in any box corresponding to a goal and/or an outcome that is addressed in the course. If the assessment in the course has a tangible artifact that could be collected, the X is replaced with an A. A(Date) indicate that an artifact was collected to assess student outcomes designated for that current year.
Student Outcomes – Departmental: The document titled: Departmental Assessment Plan outlines the departmental student outcome that will be assessed during the current year. This plan is submitted to and approved by the Assessment Committee in the fall of each academic year. The document titled: Departmental Executive Summary outlines how the data for the year was collected, analyzed, discussed and the resulting changes.
Student Outcomes – General Education: The document titled: General Education Assessment Plan outlines the general education student outcome that was selected by the General Education Committee and will be assessed by each department during the current year. This plan is also submitted to and approved by the Assessment Committee in the fall of each academic year. The document titled: General Education Executive Summary outlines how the data for the year was collected, analyzed, discussed and the resulting changes.
Alternative Delivery: The document titled: Alternative Delivery Assessment Plan is used for the assessment of courses that are offered in both the face-to-face, 15 week format and an alternative format (including online, condensed format, Dual Credit). These assessment plans address both the rigor of the courses and student outcomes. Alternative Delivery Executive Summary how data for the year was collected, analyzed, comparisons made and resulting changes.
College of Graduate Studies and Adult Education Page – This page includes process charts and assessment documents for graduate programs.