If you are a church worker, we want to thank you for your service to the church!
But, if you are a church worker, we also have something for you to think about … what is your succession plan?
When you leave the teaching ministry, who will be there to step into your shoes? Have you been encouraging the next generation of church workers … children, youth, and young adults to take your place? Have you told a junior high student who helps with VBS that he or she would make a great teacher? Or mentioned to a high school student on a servant event that they could be a DCE? You get the idea.
One of the most popular reasons students go into church work is because someone important to them said, “You would be good at this!”
Have YOU told anyone?
We hope this website can be helpful in that process – with ideas on how to share and what to share with others in helping them consider going on to the teaching ministry. God bless you as you seek to show others the joys in the ministry of education!