Middle Level Devotion: Blessed to be Taught, and to Teach

Blessed to be Taught, and to Teach

Middle School Devotion


May my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew,

like gentle rain upon the tender grass,
and like showers upon the herb.

For I will proclaim the name of the Lord;

ascribe greatness to our God! Deuteronomy 32:1-3, ESV


Stop for a minute and count how many teachers you have had since you started school. Do you remember preschool and kindergarten teachers? Do you have a favorite elementary teacher? What about the teachers who work with you, now? Pick a teacher who fits the words in this Bible verse. Think about the blessings you have known because of the work of that teacher.

Did a teacher help you learn something you never thought you could do?

Did a teacher protect you from a bully or comfort you after a mean comment?

Did a teacher pull you aside and lovingly show you why your behavior was wrong?

Did a teacher correct your work and patiently reteach you?

Did a teacher push you to do better?

Did a teacher ask you what was wrong and then listen to you?

Was a teacher there for you when it seemed no one else was?

Did a teacher help you feel brave about witnessing to others?

Did a teacher help you feel God’s love?

When we spend time with teachers every day it is easy to be unaware of the many things that teachers do. We also have an easier time remembering when teachers make us mad than when they made us grateful. Teachers design lessons, create activities, collect and grade homework, and supervise hallways and study halls. These are the things about teaching that we see every day. Most of the interesting work of teaching is found in the previous sentences. Teaching is about being there for a student. Teaching is about making tough decisions so that students will grow and learn. Teaching is about showing and sharing God’s love – every day – to every student. Don’t tell the principal, but teaching just might be the most important job in the building.

In one way or another, God asks each of us to be a teacher. Some of you might grow up to teach in a school. Some might teach a class at church. Some of you might teach a friend about Jesus. Most of you will teach your own children when you have a family. Teaching is a well-used skill and God blesses many people with this gift.

Jesus was called “Rabbi” because He was a teacher and a leader. Jesus is our model for how to use the gift of teaching. He included teaching in everything he did. He not only explained scripture, He lived it by loving and caring for all people. He taught us the true meaning of love when He gave His life because of our sin.

We can never meet the standards Jesus set as a teacher, but we can use our gifts of teaching. We can explain, we can share, we can care, and we can influence the people in our lives. Even though we live imperfect lives, through the work of the Spirit, we can teach.


  1. Explain the phrase “Let my teaching drop as rain.”
  2. In what ways could God use the gift of teaching in your life, right now?
  3. Have you thought about becoming a teacher, pastor, DCE, Deaconess, or missionary?


Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessing of the gift of teaching. Show us how we can use this gift and use us to share your love and Word. Amen.