We can assist you in a variety of areas, including:
- Instructional Design – Instructional design is the process of creating educational materials and activities that maximize learning through the implementation of pedagogically sound strategies. Through group training, webinars, and one-on-one consultations, the Classroom Innovation and Online Education staff can help you design your technology-infused course.
- Training – Face-to-face and online training are offered throughout
Instructional Learning Center training pod the year. Please contact us if you would like to receive training on a specific topic or application. Custom instructional videos can also be created and hosted here.
- Resources – Are you looking for a resource that you can use in your course? We can help you find technology-based resources that are relevant to your teaching and learning objectives. Links to online resources can be found here.
- Equipment – We have equipment available for checkout including portable projectors, digital still cameras, Flip digital camcorders, flash memory camcorders, and miniDV tape camcorders. Equipment services are offered through the Instructional Technology Center in the Link Library.