Free Videos and Documentaries

Our #1 resource for online videos at CUNE is Films on Demand (also see the update regarding Films on Demand). Nevertheless, even with its vast array of films, you may need to check additional resources to find a video that is just right for your learning activity. In this case, put Snag Learning on your list of resources. 

Snag Learning houses a database of over 1,600 documentaries, many with high quality producers such as National Geographic and PBS. Search options include:

  • Searching college-level videos;
  • Searching via subject;
  • Channel-specific searching (e.g. National Geographic, PBS, Sundance, etc.); or
  • Open-ended search – This includes a search of Snag Learning and its affiliates. If there are no matching videos, Google search results will be shown.
Videos include descriptions, and may also include recommended questions and activities. Users can share videos, embed them on their own websites, and/or comment on them. Best of all, Snag Learning is FREE!

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