Providing Feedback Electronically

One of the questions I am often asked is, “How do I provide feedback on student assignments submitted electronically?” It is not such a big deal if all that is required is a general response. However, what if you want to correct grammar, spelling, or reference specific sections of a long paper? The easiest way to do this is through the use of “Track Changes” and/or “Comments” in Microsoft Word. I like to provide my feedback using track changes and/or comments, save the document as a pdf, and then send it back to the student. It is not necessary to take the extra step of saving as a pdf, but the advantages are that: 1) your changes and comments are “set in stone” (students cannot accidentally delete or change them, and 2) you don’t have to worry about students not knowing how to use the track changes and comments features of Word.

So, at this point you’re probably thinking, “But I don’t know how to use the track changes and comments features!” Well, you’re in luck, because Microsoft has an audio course dedicated to this very subject. The course should take no more than 30 – 50 minutes and is specific to Microsoft Word 2003, which is the version installed on Concordia computers.

Do you have a preferred way of providing feedback electronically? Please feel free to share it by commenting on this post!

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