Adding A Personal Touch

I had traditional teacher friends in college and as an adult and one of the biggest things they discussed was how they were going to decorate their classrooms that year, what themes they would incorporate, and what craft projects they were undertaking in order to add a little extra to their classrooms.
I won't lie, I never understood it.
Until I took a class on creating a presence in an online class environment. I won't lie, it was insanely difficult to make a Blackboard or Moodle "class" feel like me, or represent my personality. And I struggled with the why, until it truly started to come together. Not just the look, adding colors or font choices, or incorporating Calvin and Hobbes comic strips to announcements. It was more about jumping into an online environment and having it feel warm. Why? Because the underlying message that the overall feel conveyed was one that would keep you there longer. An inviting, fun, and interesting online environment can be the difference in engaging with the content and just jumping through the hoops with the bare minimum. It's a gauge of "how much effort did they put in" and it helps dictate "how much effort I'm willing to put in, too."
Having one room you call home for a school year must be that much more crucial to create a sense of place.
Books on Creating Space
The Space
This book goes well beyond the noise on learning space design that focuses on pretty Pinterest classrooms and moves towards a more sophisticated conversation about how learning spaces support and drive brain-friendly learning.
Redesigning Learning Spaces
Learn to design brain-friendly learning environments that foster engagement, productivity, and achievement while allowing for seamless integration of educational technology
The Third Teacher
Explores the critical link between the school environment and how children learn, and offers 79 practical design ideas, both great and small, to guide reader’s efforts to improve our schools
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