17 February Faculty & Staff Webinar

Coming soon to a computer near you!

WHO:  Faculty (graduate, undergraduate, adjunct, degree completion) and staff

WHAT:  Academic Search Premier Webinar

WHEN:  Thursday 17 February 2011 from 2.15 to 3PM

WHERE:  your computer

Details on how to connect are forth-coming – watch your email for more information. WHY:  Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify an example course learning objective that could be supported by Academic Search Premier (ASP)
  2. Explain to students how to access ASP
  3. Explain to students four steps of searching efficiently in ASP (identify key concepts; use synonyms; create a preliminary search statement; interact with search results).
  4. Provide students with help in using ASP in both face-to-face and online learning environments

Please contact Tom Krenzke tom.krenzke@cune.edu, Phil Hendrickson philip.hendrickson@cune.edu, or Angie Wassenmiller angela.wassenmiller@cune.edu with your questions.

See you online on 17 February!

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