Category Archives: Events

Academic Search Premier Webinar

Academic Search Premier (ASP) is one of the most widely used databases in higher ed, yet many instructors and students are unaware of: (1) when it is most useful, (2) how it can be accessed, and/or (3) effective search techniques. On February 17 at 2:15, Tom Krenzke will host a webinar that covers these topics, as well as how to assist students with ASP in both face-to-face and online environments. Please do not miss this opportunity to learn valuable tips that will prove beneficial to both you and your students.

To register, please visit:

17 February Faculty & Staff Webinar

Coming soon to a computer near you!

WHO:  Faculty (graduate, undergraduate, adjunct, degree completion) and staff

WHAT:  Academic Search Premier Webinar

WHEN:  Thursday 17 February 2011 from 2.15 to 3PM

WHERE:  your computer

Details on how to connect are forth-coming – watch your email for more information. WHY:  Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify an example course learning objective that could be supported by Academic Search Premier (ASP)
  2. Explain to students how to access ASP
  3. Explain to students four steps of searching efficiently in ASP (identify key concepts; use synonyms; create a preliminary search statement; interact with search results).
  4. Provide students with help in using ASP in both face-to-face and online learning environments

Please contact Tom Krenzke, Phil Hendrickson, or Angie Wassenmiller with your questions.

See you online on 17 February!

Digital Video Workshop – Tuesday December 21

David Werner will lead a digital video workshop on Tuesday, December 21 at 10:00 AM in the Link computer classroom. Max class size is ten and minimum is five. Please bring your own laptop from home if you have Windows Vista or 7 with Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 (free download from Microsoft) or if you have a Mac with iMovie 9. Please send an email to to register.