University Supervisors (ST I)

University Supervisors (ST I)

Below are a list of printable documents for use in working with your student teacher.  The manual contains copies of the university supervisor’s checklist, site visit reports, optional observation records for use in providing feedback for your student teacher, and important information for developing a successful student teaching experience for everyone involved.

Student Teaching Handbook 2023-24

Formative Assessment Site Visit Report  (For use in completing each of THREE SITE VISITS, links for electronic submissions will be emailed.)

Clinical Practice Evaluation Rubric (For reference in completing the midterm and final student teaching evaluations.  An electronic link will be emailed at midterm and at the end of student teaching for submission of the final evaluation.)

Clinical Practice Evaluation Evidence Chart (For reference in completing the midterm and final evaluations.)

Weekly Check List ST I (This checklist is for use as a guide in managing time and experience throughout the student teaching assignment.)

Other information on the Student Teacher page of this website may be valuable for you to review.  Please click on the Student Teaching I, Student Teacher page for access.

Education Intervention Board Procedures (Information here will explain the Education Intervention Board more in-depth)

Student Concern Register and Plan (Form that will be completed by University Supervisor)

Referral Form for Education Intervention Board (Form that will be completed by University Supervisor and submitted to Student Teaching Director)

Education Intervention Board Action Plan (Form that will be completed by the Education Intervention Board)

Description of Unsuccessful Student Teaching (More specific information about students struggling during student teaching)

Other information on the Student Teacher page of this website may be valuable for you to review.  Please click on the Student Teaching I, Student Teacher page for access.