Education Faculty Resources

Resources to support teaching in the Education Department are available to all full-time education faculty, full-time faculty from other departments at CUNE, and adjunct education faculty.  

Education Program Handbook 2023-2024

Lesson Plan Format This is the CUNE education lesson plan template for all courses.  

Lesson Plan Scaffold This provides explanation to students and instructors as they complete the lesson plan template for assignments and field experiences.  

Unit Plan Template:  This is the CUNE education unit plan template for all courses.  

Unit Plan Scaffold:  This provides explanation to students and instructors as they complete the unit plan template for assignments and field experiences.  

Formative Assessment Site Visit Report:  This is the formative evaluation completed during student teaching observations.  You may use this in class to help evaluate teaching demonstrations or other presentations given by students.  It will help to make students aware of the formative assessment criteria prior to the student teaching semester.  

Nebraska Clinical Practice Evaluation Rubric:  This is the summative evaluation form completed by cooperating teachers and university supervisors during student teaching.  You may find an appropriate time in your course to share portions of or the entire rubric with education students.  

EIB Student Concern Register and Plan:  This is the initial form you complete when you identify a struggling student in your course.  You fill out the form, meet with the student, get the student’s signature, and keep the Concern Register and Plan in your file for the student.  

EIB Referral Form:  This is the form you complete when a struggling student does not follow the expectations in the Student Concern Register and Plan.  This is how you refer the student to the Education Intervention Board.  Complete the form, meet with the student, have the student sign the form, put a copy in your file for the student, and send a copy to Carlene Bauer. 

Education Department Professional Development Workshop Presentation July 30, 2019

Anthology / Chalk and Wire Support

For technical support for Anthology/C&W please send an email to: or submit a ticket via the HelpDesk

For information related to assessing student work in Anthology/C&W see the following video: Assessing Student Work

Chalk and Wire Support