Video Suggestions

Please refer to your edTPA handbooks for specifics regarding Task 2 requirements and video clips for your grade level and content area. 

edTPA Video Permission Letter

edTPA Permission Letter Spanish

If you need a permission form in a different language, consult with your cooperating teacher and school to see if they have any additional resources they could provide. You may also utilize the services of Google Translate. While not perfect, it may help provide enough context for the guardian of the student to complete.


Video Suggestions and Tips

  • It is recommended that you record the entire lesson from each of your 3-5 day lesson sequence that is the focus of the edTPA.
  • From the 3-5 recorded lessons, you will select a small portion to include in your edTPA submission.
  • Each handbook will specify the requirement for the length of each video clip to include in your submission. The handbook will also outline the focus for each clip. Prior to videoing, please refer to your handbook to identify what is expected in each clip. This can help you identify the appropriate clips to include in your submission. Some clips require you to be in the video, while others may have specific requirements for students.
  • You must have a completed permission form from your students in order to include them in your submitted video clips. If a student who did not return a permission form appears in your video, you will need to select a different clip to include in your submission.
  • If your students have nametags or name tents on their desk, please make sure that these are not included in the video clip if they also contain their last name. First names are acceptable, but student last names cannot be identified either visually or audibly in the clips you submit. This same policy applies to the name of the school. If you have students with the same first name, work on a strategy of how you will address these students without using their last name.
  • Chalk and Wire includes several suggested resources for assisting with video editing and compressing.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What device should I use to video-record?
    • You may use whatever device is most convenient for you. You may use a personal phone/tablet/computer. Or you can check out one (limited quantities) from Mr Landrey. Mr. Landrey also has a few Swivl stands that you can check out as well. Please reach out to him well in advance to reserve your Swivl. Some schools may require you to use a device that they provide.

  • What is the process for checking out a Swivl from Mr. Landrey? 
    • You may check out a Swivl system from Mr. Landrey in Thom 108
    • Register a free Swivl Cloud account using your CUNE.ORG e-mail address:
    • Make an appointment (please email him at least 24 hours ahead of time) with Landrey to check out a Swivl system and get some basic training.
      1. A Swivl system consists of a Swivl base and microphone, an iPad, and a stand.
      2. Recordings will be uploaded to your Swivl Cloud account.
    • You may keep the Swivl system up to 7 days. 
    • If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Landrey 

  • Are my video clips required to be continuous?
    • Yes, the clips you select to upload for your edTPA submission should be continuous, without any disruption or editing during the segment. Thus, you cannot take 2 minutes of video from one portion and combine that with 3 minutes from a different part of the lesson for one 5-minute clip. Your video clips can be from any lesson in the edTPA lesson segment.
  • How much should I video?
    • You should video the entirety of the 3-5 lessons that are the focus of your edTPA. While you will not use all of the video in your submission, videoing the entire lesson will provide you with multiple options for selecting your required clips.
    • It might be a good idea to practice setting up your video camera prior to the actual edTPA filming. Complete a test run of your camera during a lesson prior to your edTPA filming. Let your students know about the videoing process ahead of time, that way you can talk about expectations and work on making sure only the students who returned permission slips are in the video.
  • What if I don’t get permission slips from all students?
    • Start the permission slip process early. Once you have the class identified, send home the permission slips! This will allow you to plan accordingly with the videoing set up. If a student does not return a permission slip or returns one that does not grant permission, then they cannot be used in the video. This may require you to rearrange the room or the seating arrangement so these students are not in the line of sight for the camera.
  • Can I blur the faces of students who are in the video but did not complete a permission slip?
    • While the edTPA allows for blurred faces in video clips, it is not recommended. Blurring faces is a difficult process and most free video editing tools do not include this feature. In many cases, you must buy software to accomplish this process. While some resources online will say they can help you blur faces for free, they often place a watermark on the video clip or may contain a virus. We do not have the resources to help you with the blurring of faces.
    • The best advice is to make sure you have all permission slips signed and returned in advance, so you know which students you can include in the video. Thus, it is best not to blur the faces of any of your students. With careful planning, you can avoid this issue by making sure only students who have granted permission appear in your video. In addition, by videoing all your edTPA lessons in their entirety, you will have more clips to choose from just in case a student accidently appears in your video.