Making Good Choices Special Education edTPA
edTPA Handbook Comparison Chart
edTPA Webinars for each task:
edTPA Video Permission Letter (Please download and update this form to include your name (see yellow highlighted section.)
edTPA Permission Letter Spanish (Please download and update this form to include your name (see yellow highlighted section.)
C&W edTPA_User_Guide (This document has information and steps related to transferring your edTPA from Chalk and Wire to Pearson for scoring.)
edTPA Overview and Process – Student Teaching 1 – Spring 2025 – For Website
edTPA Writing Day February 17th Spring 2025
Chalk and Wire CUNE Support Page
Transferring your Portfolio From C&W to Pearson
When will I receive my scores? edTPAScoreReportDates2024
Elementary Literacy Central Focus Suggestions Elementary Literacy Central Focus Considerations
edTPA Guidance for a switch to Online Instruction edTPA_Guidance_Alt_Arrangements_VLE (1)
Advice from CUNE students who have completed the edTPA
- Try to videotape as soon as possible, and try to work on writing a little bit each week. Upload documents as you finish them to make the submission process easier. Use the resources online to get an idea of how much you should be writing for each question. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.. Keep everything your students turn in until you know for sure what you are using for the assessment examples. Once you know that, do not give their work back until you have submitted the edTPA. You never know when you will need them to fix a glitch or formatting error prior to submission.
- Take a good look at what is required on the instruction and planning commentaries before you plan your learning segment. Have the planning commentary done by the time of the edTPA writing day, and you will be in good shape.
- When watching the videos, make a chart with the requirements listed in the rubrics. As you watch the videos then you can mark each time you see those requirements with the time stamps. This will help you know which footage to use.
- Plan ahead and do not sit around and wait for things to happen. Set aside time to dedicate to edTPA on your own time, outside of school. Create a timeline for yourself for when you want to get certain sections done.
- Start early, be proactive, and do not stress too much but enough to get it done with enough time.