Author Archives: Matthew Phillips

Speaking Before Kings

“I am tremendously pleased to have lived to this moment when Christ, by his staunch confessors, has publicly been proclaimed in such a great assembly by means of this really most beautiful confession. And [so the word] is fulfilled: ‘I … Continue reading

Posted in Augsburg Confession, government, Martin Luther | Leave a comment

Helena Found a Cross

“For in the night a glowing man appearing to [Constantine] showed him the sign of the Holy Cross, and promised a victory to him through this sign. After he was awakened, he recalled the dream to friends, and the cross … Continue reading

Posted in Cross, Honorius Augustodunensis, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

Hanging Thieves

“Kings and princes ought to look into this matter and forbid them by strict laws. But I hear that they have a finger in it themselves, and the saying of Isaiah [1:23] in fulfilled, ‘Your princes have become companions of … Continue reading

Posted in government, Martin Luther | Tagged | Leave a comment

Court In Session

“And if those three should come to court, namely God, man, and the devil, the devil and man would have no objection to make against God. For the devil would be convicted of the injury which he did to God … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, medieval, Peter Lombard, theology | Leave a comment

Liberty, Fraternity, Equality

“The process of execution was also a sad and heartrending spectacle.  In the middle of Place de la Revolution was erected a guillotine, in front of a colossal statue of Liberty, represented seated on a rock, a cap on her … Continue reading

Posted in French Revolution, government, Politics, virtue | Leave a comment


“In the meantime, I have considered your wish, and it seems wise to me that I should shortly publish something setting forth (as I have written) a form of the celebration of the mass.  Meanwhile, abolish all private masses if … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Reformation, theology | Leave a comment

In Remembrance of Amalek

On October 28, 2023, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his speech to announce the invasion of Gaza in response to an attack by Hamas with a reference to the enemy of the ancient Israelites: Amalek. He referred specifically to King … Continue reading

Posted in Crusades, Honorius Augustodunensis, preaching, Urban II | Leave a comment

The Insoluble Debt

“Wherefore, just as we have been accustomed to rejoice in the rising and ascending of the Lord, so now, not without merit, we rejoice in the lifting up of the cross.  For this scale held our ransom, by which indeed … Continue reading

Posted in Cross, medieval, Peter Damian, theology | Leave a comment

Offices of Princes

“The offices of princes and officials are divine and right, but those who are in them and use them are usually of the devil. And if a prince is a rare dish in heaven, this is even more true of … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Politics, Reformation | Leave a comment

It Squints Toward Monarchy

“This Constitution is said to have beautiful features: but when I come to examine these features, Sir, they appear to me horridly frightful: Among other deformities, it has an awful squinting: it squints towards monarchy: And does not this raise … Continue reading

Posted in government, Politics | Leave a comment