Category Archives: Augsburg Confession

Speaking Before Kings

“I am tremendously pleased to have lived to this moment when Christ, by his staunch confessors, has publicly been proclaimed in such a great assembly by means of this really most beautiful confession. And [so the word] is fulfilled: ‘I … Continue reading

Posted in Augsburg Confession, government, Martin Luther | Leave a comment

Melanchthon on the Sacraments

“Sacraments are signs of God’s will toward us, not simply signs of the people’s will among themselves, and so it is right to define the New Testament sacraments as signs of grace.  A sacrament consists of two parts, the sign … Continue reading

Posted in Apology of Augsburg Confession, Augsburg Confession, Augustine of Hippo, Book of Concord, Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, sacraments | Tagged | Leave a comment