Category Archives: Martin Luther

Speaking Before Kings

“I am tremendously pleased to have lived to this moment when Christ, by his staunch confessors, has publicly been proclaimed in such a great assembly by means of this really most beautiful confession. And [so the word] is fulfilled: ‘I … Continue reading

Posted in Augsburg Confession, government, Martin Luther | Leave a comment

Hanging Thieves

“Kings and princes ought to look into this matter and forbid them by strict laws. But I hear that they have a finger in it themselves, and the saying of Isaiah [1:23] in fulfilled, ‘Your princes have become companions of … Continue reading

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“In the meantime, I have considered your wish, and it seems wise to me that I should shortly publish something setting forth (as I have written) a form of the celebration of the mass.  Meanwhile, abolish all private masses if … Continue reading

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Offices of Princes

“The offices of princes and officials are divine and right, but those who are in them and use them are usually of the devil. And if a prince is a rare dish in heaven, this is even more true of … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Politics, Reformation | Leave a comment

This Shameful Vice: Luther On Greed

“We daily see what a shameful, cursed vice greed is and what harm it does, especially in high offices and estates both spiritual and secular. If the greed-devil possesses a pastor’s or a preacher’s heart, so that (like the rest … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, preaching, Reformation | Leave a comment

Adoration of the Sacrament

“Everything depends on these words.  Every Christian should and must know them and hold them fast. He must never let anyone take away from him by any other kind of teaching, even though it were an angel from heaven [Gal. … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Reformation, sacraments, theology | Leave a comment

No Word Sounds Sweeter

“Your word pierced me like the sharp arrow of the Mighty. As a result, I began to compare your statements with the passages of Scripture which speak of poenitentia [repentance]. And behold — what a most pleasant scene! Biblical words … Continue reading

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Martin Luther on Monastic Vows

“There is no doubt that the monastic vow is in itself a most dangerous thing because it is without the authority and example of Scripture.  Neither the early church nor the New Testament knows anything at all of the taking … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Reformation, theology | 1 Comment

Winning Hearts and Minds

On March 6, 1522, Martin Luther returned permanently after an approximately ten-month stay in the Wartburg Castle.  The electoral duke of Saxony, Frederick the Wise, had sent Luther to the Wartburg after the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, issued the … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Reformation, theology | Leave a comment

God Crowns His Own Gifts

One day someone asked Martin Luther whether godly persons should expect merit for their good works that result from their justification.  Luther answered that even the justified were still sinners, who pray for forgiveness and live under grace.  While God … Continue reading

Posted in Augustine of Hippo, justice, Martin Luther | Leave a comment