Category Archives: theology

The Annunciation and Fishing

“On this holy day the Incarnation of Christ is announced through the angel, just as today is celebrated devoutly by the entire Church.  It is read that on that day and at the same hour at which the first man … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Honorius Augustodunensis, Mary, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

Hugh of St. Victor on the Sacred Scriptures

“For the whole Divine Scripture is one Book, and the one Book is Christ, for the whole Divine Scripture speaks of Christ and is fulfilled in Christ.  Our purpose in reading Scripture is that, by gaining knowledge of what He … Continue reading

Posted in Bible, Christ, Hugh of St Victor, teaching, theology | Leave a comment

The Strongest Consolation

“Thus the most precious treasure and strongest consolation we Christians have is this: that the Word, the true and natural Son of God, became man, with flesh and blood like that of any other human; that He became incarnate for … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Christmas, Martin Luther, theology | Leave a comment

The Freedom of the Christian

“To make the way smoother for the unlearned—for only them do I serve—I shall set down the following two propositions concerning the freedom and the bondage of the spirit:                 A Christian is … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, gospel, Martin Luther, theology | Leave a comment

Unknowingly Righteous

“For inasmuch as the saints are always aware of their sin and seek righteousness from God in accord with His mercy, for this very reason they are always also regarded as righteous by God.  Thus in their own sight and … Continue reading

Posted in gospel, Martin Luther, Reformation, theology | Leave a comment

Martin Luther on Studying Theology and Reading Scripture

“Moreover, I want to point out to you a correct way of studying theology, for I have had practice in that.  If you keep to it, you will become so learned that you yourself could (if it were necessary) write … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, reading, teaching, theology, writing | Leave a comment