History as the Soul’s Path to Glory

“What guides and controls human life is man’s soul.  If it pursues glory by the path of virtue, it has all the resources and abilities it needs for winning fame, and is independent of fortune, which can neither give any man uprightness, energy, and other good qualities, not deprive any man of them.  But if the soul is enslaved by base desires and sinks into the corruption of sloth and carnal pleasures, it enjoys a ruinous indulgence for a brief season; then, when idleness has wasted strength, youth, and intelligence, the blame is put on the weakness of our nature, and each man excuses himself for his own shortcomings by imputing his failure to adverse circumstances.  If men pursue good things with the same ardour with which they seek what is unedifying and unprofitable – often, indeed, actually dangerous and pernicious – they would control events instead of being controlled by them, and would rise to such heights of greatness and glory that their mortality would put on immortality.” Sallust, Chap. 1 in The Jugurthine War, trans. S. A. Handford (London: Penguin, 1963), p. 35.

Gaius Sallustius Crispus (Sallust) lived during the first century BC and wrote histories of the Roman Republic.  His works on the Jugurthine War, the conspiracy of Catiline, and fragments of other histories survive.  Sallust allied with Julius Caesar in the populares faction against the aristocratic Senators and Pompey in the Civil War from 49-45 BC.  In the last years of his ten years of his life (assuming he died c. 35) he spent writing historical works.  In this quote we observe Sallust’s moral understanding of the study of human history and its relationship to the nature of the human soul.  He continued:

“As man consists of body and soul, all our possessions and pursuits partake of the nature of one or the other.  Thus personal beauty and great wealth, bodily strength, and all similar things, soon pass away; the noble achievements of the intellect are immortal like the soul itself.  Physical advantages, and the material gifts of fortune, begin and end; all that comes into existence, perishes; all that grows, must one day decay.  But the soul, incorruptible and eternal, is the ruler of mankind; it guides and controls everything, subject itself to no control.  Wherefore we can but marvel the more at the unnatural conduct of those who abandon themselves to bodily pleasures and pass their time in riotous living and idleness, neglecting their intelligence – the best and noblest element in man’s nature – and letting it become dull through lack of effort; and that, too, when the mind is capable of so many different accomplishments that can win the highest distinction.” Ibid., pp. 35-36. [Emphasis added]

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The Sweetness of the Cross

13th-century_painters_-_Psalter_of_Blanche_of_Castile_-_WGA15846    “Now, what sweetness was your heart able to imbibe when, with your inner eye, you saw the Lord carrying his cross? Who can appreciate that humility, that meekness, that patient endurance?  Indeed, he was led like a sheep to the slaughter, like a lamb before its shearers he was silent and did not open his mouth. [Isaiah 3:7] How sweet it was to reflect on that, as it were, still fresh wounds of Christ, to stand as it were by his cross, to see the tears of his mother; to hear that sweet voice [say]: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. [Luke 23:34] What hope for the forgiveness of our sins does not surge up in us when we hear him praying so sweetly even for his enemies.” Aelred of Rievaulx, “Sermon 11: For the Feast of Easter” in Aelred of Rievaulx: The Liturgical Sermons, trans. Theodore Berkeley and M. Basil Pennington (Kalamazoo 2001), p. 189. [Italics in original]

The twelfth-century Cistercian abbot, Aelred of Rievaulx, preached to his monks on tasting the Lord’s sweetness (I Peter 2:3).  This work reflects the Cistercian emphasis on the meditation on Christ’s human suffering as a means to transform the soul.  In the same manner that Christ’s suffering and death changed into glory and life, so meditation on the Lord’s passion transforms the affections of the Christian.  This meditative sweetness is like wine instead of milk, because its sweetness has a bite.  Aelred concludes:

“You should not be able to look at those sweet hands being pierced with the nails so hard without sadness, albeit sweet.  Nor, similarly, on the piercing of his feet with the iron and the wounding of that most tender side with the lance.  Nor should you be able to behold those dear sweet tears of our Lady without compassion, however sweet.” Ibid.

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John of Salisbury on Pride and Death

“Pride is truly the root of all the evils that feed mortality.  Streams become dry if the source of the flow is cut off; a tree will not thrive with severed roots.  Vices languish if passion banished; yet if manure is piled upon the roots, the tree will become fertile and the sterility of the desert will recede.  If the source of the liquid overflows, then the increase turns into streams; if fuel is added to the fire, then the blaze of the wood is renewed.  So if one fosters the poisonous vice of pride inherent in nature, not even if one wishes can one impede that virus of mortification from infecting the vital organs.  Love of self is not as much akin to man as inherent in him.  If someone exceeds the mean, he veers toward error.  All virtues are limited in their proper ends and consist in the mean; if one is excessive, one is off the path, not on the path.” John of Salisbury, Policraticus III. 3., ed. and trans. Cary J. Nederman (Cambridge 1990), p. 17.


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Reading the Best Authors

“This then will be our first study: to read only the best and most approved authors.  Our second will be to bring to this reading a keen critical sense.  The reader must study the reasons why the words are placed as they are, and the meaning and force of each element of the sentence, the smaller as well as the larger; he must thoroughly understand the force of the several particles whose idiom and usage he will copy from the author he reads.”  Leonardo Bruni, “On the Study of Literature,” in The Great Tradition, ed. Richard M. Gamble (Wilmington: ISI Books, 2007), p. 334.

Leonardo Bruni, the early fifteenth century humanist, wrote this paragraph after stating that readers must carefully choose the proper writers to read and imitate.  He had compared reading to eating properly for one’s age or physical condition. (See here:  Bruni on Study as Eating) For this reason, Bruni argues that readers must begin with the best authors and seek to understand the grammar and logic of their texts.

In the following sections Bruni recommends to his correspondent, Battista Malatesta, the daughter of the Count of Urbino, that she should read numerous Christian authors including Augustine, Jerome, Ambrose, Cyprian, and, especially, Lactantius Firmianus.  Additionally, he recommends Gregory Nazianzen, John Chrysostom, and Basil the Great, if she had good Latin translations available.

What about the great Roman writers?

“A woman, on the other hand, who enjoys secular literature will choose Cicero, a man–Good God!–so eloquent! so rich in expression! so polished! so unique in every genus of glory!  Next will be Vergil, the delight and ornament of our literature, then Livy and Sallust and the other poets and writers in their order.  With them she will train and strengthen her taste, and she will be careful, when she is obliged to say or write something, to use no word she has not first met in one of these authors.” Ibid. [Italics in original]

His advice to Battista exemplifies the Renaissance humanist’s understanding of the imitative nature of learning from the great authors of antiquity.  In this case, he identifies both the Christian and pagan writers.  Notice that reading these texts trains her taste, that is, shapes her understanding.

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Hugh of St. Victor on the Sacred Scriptures

“For the whole Divine Scripture is one Book, and the one Book is Christ, for the whole Divine Scripture speaks of Christ and is fulfilled in Christ.  Our purpose in reading Scripture is that, by gaining knowledge of what He did and said and commended, we may be enabled to do what He told us and receive what He has promised.” Hugh of St. Victor, Noah’s Ark II. 11. in Hugh of Saint-Victor: Selected Spiritual Writings, trans. Religious of C. S. M. V. (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 1962), p. 86. [Emphasis added]

Hugh of St Victor-1

Hugh taught in Paris during the early twelfth century at the Abbey of St. Victor.  During this era the schools in northern France, especially in Paris, emerged as the most significant schools of theology in Western medieval society. Hugh’s writings demonstrate a combination of the contemplative and early scholastic method to theology.

Hugh followed the Christian tradition established by Christ Himself, St. Paul, and later Augustine of Hippo that the central focus of the Bible is Jesus.  Also, notice what Hugh asserts to be the purpose in reading Scripture: to gain knowledge of Christ’s actions and to  receive His promises.


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Luther on Pride of Students

“We have many students here who are so full of knowledge after they have been in Wittenberg half a year that they suppose they are more learned than I am.  When they go out into the country to other people, their knowledge breaks out like a cloudburst.  It seems to weigh a hundred pounds, but if you put it on a scale, it would only weigh an eighth of an ounce.  That is what pride does.  They have learned only a word or two, or they have heard a single word.  Then this becomes pure Adam, all flesh, so that they all apply their knowledge to achieving some pre-eminence [sic].” Martin Luther, “Commentary on Psalm 26,” in Luther’s Works vol. 12, p. 189.

Humility lays the foundation for true learning in the Christian and classical tradition. Many students learn a small amount and become puffed up in their knowledge.  Luther points toward this example of how pride and ambition leads down a path toward destruction.  Pride based on knowledge, especially knowledge of some basic theology, is a dangerous vice.  It can lead to heresy.  As Luther explained: “Other bodily vices are so coarse that we feel them, but this one can always adorn itself with the honor of God and give the impression it has God’s Word on its side.” Ibid., p. 188.


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The Strongest Consolation

“Thus the most precious treasure and strongest consolation we Christians have is this: that the Word, the true and natural Son of God, became man, with flesh and blood like that of any other human; that He became incarnate for our sakes in order that we might enter into great glory, that our flesh and blood, skin and hair, hands and feet, stomach and back might reside in heaven as God does, and in order that we might boldly defy the devil and whatever else assails us.  We are convinced that all our members belong in heaven as heirs of heaven’s realm.” Martin Luther, Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 1—4, in Luther’s Works, vol. 22, p. 110. [Emphasis added]

Dr. Luther taught that the central of the Christian message was the Incarnation, that is, the Word becoming flesh.  However, Luther asserted that the Christ became a human being for the purpose of transforming the lowly bodies (and souls) of believers into something glorious.  This is what Christians confess as the resurrection of the body.

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Career Advice from the Renaissance

“To decide which is the most suitable career to himself, a man must take two things into account: the first is his own intelligence, his mind and his body, everything about himself; and the second, the question requiring close considerations, is that of outside supports, the help and resources which are necessary or useful and to which he must have early access, welcome, and free right of use if he is to enter the field for which he seems more suited than for any other.” Leon Battista Alberti, On the Family in Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civilizations, Vol. 1. 5th Ed. (Norton: New York, 2012), p. 391.

Leon Battista Alberti exemplified the ideals of the Italian Renaissance in the fifteenth century.  His writings on painting and architecture revolutionized these fields and laid the foundation for other great masters. (Alberti on arts and learning)   He also embodied humanism rooted in the classical and Christian tradition.  However, in this work Alberti examines the ideal Renaissance family.  Here he gives advice on how to decide on one’s career.

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Cicero on Just War

“Something else that must very much be preserved in public affairs is the justice of warfare.  There are two types of conflict: the one proceeds by debate, the other by force. Since the former is the proper concern of a man, but the latter of beasts, one should only resort to the latter if one may not employ the former.  Wars, then, ought to be undertaken for this purpose, that we may live in peace, without injustice; and once victory has been secured, those who were not cruel or savage in warfare should be spared.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, On Duties I. 34-35. eds. and trans. M.T. Griffin and E.M. Atkins (Cambridge 1991), pp. 14-15.

Cicero wrote that humanity’s proper concern is debate, not physical conflict.  This reflects an understanding of human beings as more than mere animals.  However, he recognized that wars were sometimes necessary to keep the peace and preserve justice.  He also pointed out that Roman law prescribed the correct manner by which to wage war.

“Indeed, a fair code of warfare has been drawn up, in full accordance with religious scruple, in the fetial laws of the Roman people.  From this we can grasp that no war is just unless it is waged after a formal demand for restoration, or unless it has been formally announced and declared beforehand. ” Cicero, On Duties I. 36, trans. Griffin and Atkins, pp. 15-16.

The “fetial laws” refers to a group of men, known as the fetiales, who oversaw foreign relations.  This group determined the legitimacy of declaring and waging war. Then they gave an ultimatum for recompense to the potential enemy as Cicero described above.

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Dr. Luther on War and Peace

“It is indeed a splendid and needful thing to build strong castles against one’s enemies; but that is nothing when compared with the work of a prince who builds a stronghold of peace, that is, loves peace and administers it.  Even the Romans, the greatest warriors on earth, had a saying that to make war without necessity was to go fishing with a golden net: if it was lost, the fishing could not pay for it; if it caught anything, the cost was too much greater than the profit.* One must not begin a war or work for it; it comes unbidden, all too soon.  One must keep peace as long as one can, even though one must buy it with all the money that would be spent on the war or won by the war.  Victory never makes up for what is lost by war.”  Martin Luther, “Commentary on Psalm 82,” in Luther’s Works, vol. 13, pp. 56-57.  [Emphasis added]

*According to footnote 25, this reference to the Roman saying is found in Suetonius, On the Life of the Twelve Caesars, Augustus 25, where the text reads: “He used to say that a war or a battle should not be begun under any circumstances, unless the hope of gain was clearly greater than the fear of loss; for he likened such as grasped at slight gains with no slight risk to those who fished with a golden hook, the loss of which, if it were carried off, could not be made good by any catch.”Life of Augustus

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