Category Archives: medieval

Helena Found a Cross

“For in the night a glowing man appearing to [Constantine] showed him the sign of the Holy Cross, and promised a victory to him through this sign. After he was awakened, he recalled the dream to friends, and the cross … Continue reading

Posted in Cross, Honorius Augustodunensis, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

Court In Session

“And if those three should come to court, namely God, man, and the devil, the devil and man would have no objection to make against God. For the devil would be convicted of the injury which he did to God … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, medieval, Peter Lombard, theology | Leave a comment

The Insoluble Debt

“Wherefore, just as we have been accustomed to rejoice in the rising and ascending of the Lord, so now, not without merit, we rejoice in the lifting up of the cross.  For this scale held our ransom, by which indeed … Continue reading

Posted in Cross, medieval, Peter Damian, theology | Leave a comment

The Humanity of Christ

“Therefore, nevertheless, those weak with devotion look at the humanity of Christ, in which they recognize the cause of their own salvation: They stand near the cross of Christ, and with Thomas put their own hand into the place of … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Christ, Cross, Incarnation, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

The Tempter Appeared

“One day when he was alone, the tempter appeared.  A little black bird…set about fluttering around him, approaching his face in an annoying manner, so close that the holy man could have caught it in his hand if he had … Continue reading

Posted in conversion, martyrdom, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

The Ancient Curse Is Removed

“On today’s feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, my brothers, we must reflect on the simple story of our restoration as a very pleasant plateau. The angel Gabriel is entrusted with a novel task, and the Virgin manifests a … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Christ, Incarnation, Mary, medieval, theology | Leave a comment


“O man, if you consider carefully the mercy of God, you can possess in yourself the image of mercy.  What made Christ become incarnate, except mercy? What subjected him to our wretchedness, except his clemency? This is man’s only way … Continue reading

Posted in Alan of Lille, gospel, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

Gluttony Over Glosses

“For clerks of our own day follow more readily the schools of Antichrist than Christ, are rather given to gluttony than glosses; they collect pounds rather than read books…now all learning goes cheap, all reading is half-hearted; there is no-one … Continue reading

Posted in Alan of Lille, education, liberal arts, medieval, teaching, theology | Leave a comment

Power and Justice

“On the remedy of the Passion others have said that it is understood in justice and mercy. For our Savior, although He was all powerful, was able to free man (hominem) from the power (potestate) of darkness by the word … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Cross, justice, medieval, Richard of St Victor, teaching, theology | Leave a comment

The Martyr Remains

“[The psalmist] says next: the back of his back is like pale gold.  Better pale gold than glittering brass: ‘the foolishness of God is wiser than men.’ Gold is the Word, gold is wisdom.  This gold discolored itself, concealing the … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Cross, gospel, Love, martyrdom, medieval, theology | Leave a comment