Category Archives: medieval

A Pride So Great

“The third reason [for Christ’s advent] is for our advantage, so that [Christ] would make satisfaction for the first lie. Moreover, that lie was a pride so great that the man (homo) might lift up himself in the mind even … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Cross, medieval, Peter Lombard, pride, Ralph Ardent, theology | Leave a comment

The Blood of Abel

This painting comes from late medieval Strasbourg (c. 1410) It is currently in an art museum in Colmar, Alsace (France). Source of Image This image demonstrates the summation of medieval Christian piety with the bleeding, dying Jesus and the compassionate … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Cross, medieval, Peter of Blois, preaching, theology | Leave a comment

Imagining the Enemy

“Disturbing news has emerged from Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople and is now constantly at the forefront of our mind: namely that the race of Persians, a foreign people and a people rejected by God, indeed a generation that … Continue reading

Posted in Crusades, First Crusade, medieval, Urban II | Leave a comment

More Than a Feeling

“For virtue is nothing else than an affection of the mind ordered according to reason, and such affections are said to be very numerous according to the various inclinations of the same mind, yet having one root and origin, the … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Christ, Cross, Hugh of St Victor, Incarnation, Love, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

A Virgin Shall Conceive

“Perhaps at the time the angel came, she was holding [the text of] Isaiah in her hands; perhaps she was then studying the prophecy which declares: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and his name will be … Continue reading

Posted in Aelred of Rievaulx, Mary, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

The Origin of Indulgences

A close reading of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses demonstrates that he was calling into question not only the doctrine of indulgences but also the late medieval sacrament of penance. Luther focused on the interior nature of repentance instead of sacramental penance … Continue reading

Posted in Crusades, Martin Luther, medieval, Peter Abelard, Reformation | 2 Comments

Love and Rewards

“God is not loved without a reward, although he should be loved without regard for one.  True charity cannot be worthless, still, as ‘it does not seek its own advantage,’ it cannot be termed mercenary.  Love pertains to the will, … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian, Love, medieval | Leave a comment

On the Violence of Love

“ ‘I have been wounded by love.’ [Song of Songs 2:5 Old Latin] Love urges me to speak about love, and I willingly devote myself to its service.  Indeed, it is sweet and altogether enjoyable to speak about love (dilectione)—a … Continue reading

Posted in Love, medieval, Richard of St Victor | Leave a comment

Medieval Passover

“This holy festival, Pascha, is called a Passover because just as the Hebrew people were freed through the blood of the slaughtered lamb, from the angel, passing through Egypt for striking, so the faithful people are defended  through the blood … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Christ, Cistercian, Cross, Honorius Augustodunensis, medieval, preaching, theology | Leave a comment

Happy Virginity

“O happy virginity, which humility adorns; o happy humility, which virginity honors.  Humility adorns virginity, so that it might not have pride.  Virginity honors humility, so that it may not be despised.  Therefore, virginity is humble, so that it may … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Innocent III, Mary, medieval | Leave a comment