Category Archives: theology

Unto Us A Child Is Born

“Show us, Lord, your mercy, cloaked in our misery and working the cure of the miserable by a new kind mercy drawn from our very misery. For this, the art of mercy, has blended God’s beatitude and man’s misery in … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Christmas, Cistercian, theology | Leave a comment

Gluttony Over Glosses

“For clerks of our own day follow more readily the schools of Antichrist than Christ, are rather given to gluttony than glosses; they collect pounds rather than read books…now all learning goes cheap, all reading is half-hearted; there is no-one … Continue reading

Posted in Alan of Lille, education, liberal arts, medieval, teaching, theology | Leave a comment

Power and Justice

“On the remedy of the Passion others have said that it is understood in justice and mercy. For our Savior, although He was all powerful, was able to free man (hominem) from the power (potestate) of darkness by the word … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Cross, justice, medieval, Richard of St Victor, teaching, theology | Leave a comment

Martin Luther on Monastic Vows

“There is no doubt that the monastic vow is in itself a most dangerous thing because it is without the authority and example of Scripture.  Neither the early church nor the New Testament knows anything at all of the taking … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Reformation, theology | 1 Comment

The Martyr Remains

“[The psalmist] says next: the back of his back is like pale gold.  Better pale gold than glittering brass: ‘the foolishness of God is wiser than men.’ Gold is the Word, gold is wisdom.  This gold discolored itself, concealing the … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Cross, gospel, Love, martyrdom, medieval, theology | Leave a comment

A Pride So Great

“The third reason [for Christ’s advent] is for our advantage, so that [Christ] would make satisfaction for the first lie. Moreover, that lie was a pride so great that the man (homo) might lift up himself in the mind even … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Cross, medieval, Peter Lombard, pride, Ralph Ardent, theology | Leave a comment

The Blood of Abel

This painting comes from late medieval Strasbourg (c. 1410) It is currently in an art museum in Colmar, Alsace (France). Source of Image This image demonstrates the summation of medieval Christian piety with the bleeding, dying Jesus and the compassionate … Continue reading

Posted in Christ, Cross, medieval, Peter of Blois, preaching, theology | Leave a comment

Winning Hearts and Minds

On March 6, 1522, Martin Luther returned permanently after an approximately ten-month stay in the Wartburg Castle.  The electoral duke of Saxony, Frederick the Wise, had sent Luther to the Wartburg after the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, issued the … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther, Reformation, theology | Leave a comment

Trust the Science

“Then came the explosion of this myth.  It climaxed in the horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and in the fierce fury of fifty-megaton bombers.  Now we have come to see that science can give us only physical power, which if … Continue reading

Posted in Martin Luther King Jr, theology | Leave a comment

God Descends into Dust

“Majesty compressed himself to join to our dust the best thing he had, which is himself.  God and dust, majesty and weakness, utter lowliness and utter sublimity  were united in a single person.  Nothing is more sublime than God, nothing … Continue reading

Posted in Bernard of Clairvaux, Christ, Christmas, Incarnation, theology | Leave a comment